How do I start a new blank image page in Preview?

I want to be able to paste an image in a new blank page in but do not see this option in the program.

239k 80 80 gold badges 427 427 silver badges 946 946 bronze badges asked Apr 19, 2016 at 7:58 eric stone eric stone 301 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges

5 Answers 5

This is a workaround I use that suffices since I rarely use Preview, so there may be better options than this.

Typically, when creating a new image in image editing software you'll be prompted for things such as resolution, background, etc. So I've created a bunch of default images I keep stored in a folder with descriptive filenames such as:

On the rare occasion I have to start from scratch using Preview, I just open the image I need and do a Save As. (hold down the option as I click on the File menu or just use the option shift command S keyboard shortcut) and I'm good to go.